Art Jail, Day Three.
I got so involved in Art Jail, Day Four that I'm just now getting a chance to post about yesterday. I think that's a good sign. :)...

Art Jail, Day Two.
Yesterday was a chance to escape for a day, to a place I'd barely explored. I arrived in the Clinton-Bailey neighborhood- where I HAVE...

Art Jail.
I am a freelance artist, historian and event planner, focusing on emotional connection to place. And I have a problem. Most of my art...

Of Montreal. Or Quebec. Or Somewhere.
Over the last few years, I've gotten to know my Italian relatives and even visited them in my ancestral hometown (pictured above). What...

Marcus Crossman and Me: The 120-Year History Loop
AUGUST 1897- "The band took possession of the big reunion tent at the Camp last night, and within a few minutes, 5,000 had gathered...