They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To.
For a long time, I've been an advocate of reuse. Reclaimed architectural materials, old furniture- heck, even secondhand clothes! I get this instinct from my mom, for sure- she attended garage sales with a "needs" list on hand, and had a hawk eye for a deal. (She grocery shopped the same way). I figure, why EVER pay full price- and why not reuse good old stuff, especially when "They don't make 'em like they used to"?

Here in Buffalo, I've offered my historic research services, custom artwork and event planning services to the community for nearly nine years. When a friend recently said "I really wish there were contractors who preferred to work with reclaimed materials, or even knew about them; I'd hire them to renovate my kitchen!", a lightbulb lit above my head.
Well, here I am- to serve as a connector and curator of all things reclaimed. I want to help keep resources within our community and help business and homeowners install beautiful, period-appropriate architectural materials in their home or garden.
This is a new idea for me so I am seeking your feedback- what kinds of services along these lines do you need? Are you in a newly-created historic district and uncertain about what projects you can undertake using tax credits? Are you a landlord, a business owner, or a contractor who would like to include more cool architectural salvage pieces in your projects? Do you want to build a fun garden shed or shelter? I am here to help, with a full gamut of services. I can help you find old house plans and reference photos. I can give you basic information about what a historic district is, and what it means for you, as well as direct you to the publications and organizations you'll need to get started. I can recommend services, contractors and other connections. I can research who owned or lived in your house, and uncover fascinating stories about them.
I welcome your feedback- call me at 716-218-8525 or send me an email at - and thanks for your ongoing support!